Having sailed the Atlantic ocean for many years in the Navy (even though underwater) I am amazed at the weather we are having during our crossing. Another day of perfectly clear sky and deep blue seas was our treat for today. The air temperature is dropping slightly, as it only got up to around 73 degrees today.
After walking my mile this morning, I decided to join Sharon in her aerobics class. I knew I was in trouble when this teenaged looking young lady bounced into the room carrying a portable player. Looking at all of the white hair around me, and looking at her I’m wondering what ever possessed HAL to send in a bouncing teenager to run an aerobics class for her grandparents!
All kidding aside, she actually was quite good and I was amazed at the level of commitment of those in attendance. The exercises were relatively easy but once she started it was non-stop for the next 30 minutes. I consider myself to be in relatively good physical condition but I have to admit that by the end of the class I was ready to stop. All in all a very good choice and I think I will do it again tomorrow.
Today was pretty much more of the same as yesterday, although we did have another time change today, with another tomorrow as well.
We received our gift “jackets” tonight and boy were we quite surprised. We were expecting something similar to a wind breaker perhaps. Instead, we received a heavyweight microfiber jacket with sleeves that zip off creating a really nice vest. I have seen similar jackets in ski shops running $75 and up so we are delighted with them.
That’s about it for now as I wait for a port where I can upload some pictures for you. The internet connection in the middle of the ocean just isn’t good enough. Every time I do try it times out on me before the picture completes uploading. But I will get some up just as soon as possible.
Enjoying your posts, Bill. About pictures, a trick I have been advised works better is to resize them smaller, if you have the software that will do that. My advisor suggested to make them 500 pixels wide, and keep the same aspect ratio so they aren't distorted. Save them under a new name so you don't mess up your originals. They will upload a lot faster.
ReplyDeleteBonnie H.