Sailing, sailing, over the ocean blue! Although we did run into a rain squall today that blocked out the sun for all of 20 minutes. What to do, what to do! So just what is a typical day at sea like you ask? Well, here is what we did today:
We woke up around 6am to a gentle rocking of the boat. Our breakfast arrived at 6:30 on the dot as we had requested (yes, we do room service, it’s FREE, why not?). After eating and getting dressed, I met up with some folks for the 7:30am morning walk-a-mile club. This is held on Deck 7 the Lower Promenade. I actually did 1.5 but what can I say, I was energized. Sharon went to the 8am Aerobics class on Deck 8.
At 8:30 we met up for the morning Tai Chi and Qigong class on Deck 8. That lasted an hour and from there we went to the Sport of Call Activity, 5 pin bowling. The Sport of Call Activity happens several times a day, and each time you participate you get a “Dam” dollar. At the end of the cruise you can use your “Dam” dollars to purchase “Dam” stuff.
At 10:30 it was Strike Zone Pitch on Deck 12, the Sport Deck. Time for lunch on Deck 11, then back to our room for a few minutes on Deck 6. At 1:30 we were back on Deck 12 for the bean bag toss, then at 2:30 it was the putting green for closest to the pin on Deck 12.
At 3:30 Sharon went to a watercolor class on Deck 11 while I personally goofed off for a while. At 4:30 it was back to Deck 7 for the Shufflequoits (tossing rings onto a shuffleboard scoring diagram). When that was over it was back down to Deck 6 to get ready for dinner, back on Deck 7. Then it was up to Deck 8 for the Battle of the Sexes game followed by the evenings entertainment.
Have you been counting? Remember when I said we were not using any elevators onboard but walking stairs?
Tomorrow is a big day, we turn our clocks ahead one hour (at NOON for heavens sake), but I guess that is when we enter the new time zone. Then tomorrow night is our second formal night and the “Green and White” ball in celebration of St Patricks day.
So little time and so much to do. Just what is a person supposed to do???
Until tomorrow, Cheers and happy St Patricks day!!
Wow! What a fun day! I hope they have all those activities on our South Pacific/Australia/New Zealand voyage in September!! I know the Amsterdam doesn't have as many decks so I won't have as many stairs to burn off calories...but I made the same pledge many months ago....stairs only!! Not as many decks.....but I am on deck ONE and most times am climbing back and forth from deck EIGHT!! That should count!!!